The Plutos - ML Sector Select


ISIN LU2645730339

Bloomberg PMSCTEU LX

Invest actively and securly in a reversal of inflation and interest rates

This is the time for active management, scenario planning and investing with hedging.

The last 30 years have been characterized by steadily falling inflation and thus falling interest rates.* COVID represented a turning point in this respect.

A macro environment that has remained volatile since then, with less inflation and interest rate stability as well as faster-moving economic cycles, requires a more active and tactical investment approach.

Source: OECD - |

Bull sculpture

We aim at relative sector strength

The following example shows how great the opposing developments of the individual economic sectors on the market can be. The performance of the sector ETF XLE (US energy sector - ISIN IE00BWBXM492) compared to that of the sector ETF XLK (US technology sector - ISIN IE00BWBXM948) exemplifies the sector rotation in stock market performance and the need and opportunities for active fund management:

US Technology Sector Performance 2022

-32,97 %

US Energy-Sector Performance 2022

+64,17 %

US Technology Sector Performance 2023

+ 49,99 %

US Energy Sector Performance 2023

- 4,59 %

Benefit effectively from sector rotations in the market.

The Plutos - ML Sector Select fund follows a factor investment strategy supported by technical analysis. The mixed fund invests specifically in the market segments that have the greatest profit growth potential in the economic cycle and that are equally attractive from a market technical perspective - in order to deliver consistent, risk-adjusted performance even in dynamic markets.

The composition of the fund is shifted in order to manage risks and to take advantage of new opportunities that arise in the market.

Sailing ship

Sector investment based on factors

Based on a holistic analysis of the exogenous market environment and the specific sector and company characteristics, the interaction of micro and macro factors is observed (such as labor market as well as inflation and growth data): With regard to asset allocation according to style -Factors (such as growth/value, quality, size & momentum).

Each industrial sector has its specific factor characteristics, and factors are usually represented in a concentrated manner in the associated sector indices. This means that the sectors can be used selectively.

This ensures a good risk-reward ratio in every market environment.

The portfolio mix is checked using market technicals and entries and exits are therefore timed. This brings stability and reassurance to your investment.


En détail

  • Money supply
  • Interest rate levels
  • Price levels / inflation
  • Public debt
  • Currency levels
  • Economy (growth factors / labor market)
  • Consumer purchasing power
  • Fiscal stimulus & investment/regulation
  • Technology & Innovation leaps
  • Geopolitical risks
  • Ecology & ESG

Identify and select sectors

By comparing fundamental and technical indicators, sectors with momentum are anticipated and identified. The particular focus is on earnings trends and price momentum.

From this, the asset allocation in stocks is derived, which is diversified by currencies, regions and sectors.

Strategy game figures

Special focus on:

Yield trend

Depending on the phase of the economic cycle, the earnings growth of the sectors varies. We focus on those sectors that have high relative earnings growth in the respective phase of the economic cycle.

Price momentum

Long-term trends (e.g. technological innovation) & cyclical trends (e.g. rising interest rates / oil price / inflation) generate momentum in the respective sectors that benefit or are disadvantaged.


Over the last 18 years, more stocks have underperformed the sector average than outperformed them.* Therefore, the sector strength is represented broadly and diversified - with sector ETFs and those individual stocks that benefit most from the defined scenarios. This reduces individual risks and volatility.

Source: SPDR Americas Research, FactSet, January 2003 – December 2022 yearly average

2 focus regions à 11 sectors

2 Focus regions*


à 11 sectors**

Health Care
Consumer Discrescionary
Consumer Staples
Communication Services
Real Estate

* Research-based market knowledge

** According to the GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard)

Stability and sector momentum in challenging times

The composition of the portfolio is dynamically shifted when factors shift due to changes in the macro environment - such as inflation or interest rate developments - and new opportunities and risks arise.

In a persistently volatile macro environment such as this, a sector investment approach and the use of derivatives/hedges with flexibility and structure reduce volatility.

Sunset on the sea

The Plutos - ML Sector Select

The Plutos - ML Sector Select is a mutual fund, initiated by Plutos Wealth Management AG and launched as a sub-fund of the Plutos UCITS Umbrella Fund. The fund is managed by Plutos Wealth Management AG, with Robert Blunck and Ascan Iredi as fund manager.

Robert Blunck continues the investment approach of Martluther Investment GmbH, the fund's sales agent and largest shareholder, adapted to the regulations of a UCITS in the Plutos - ML Sector Select.

Robert Blunck

Plutos - ML Sector Select

Investment Universe

The investment universe consists of US and European growth and dividend stocks, preferably large caps.

Equity Exposure

The equity exposure can be up to 100%, with the focus on sector ETFs and on stocks that have a high weighting in the respective sector indices - these are primarily characterized by an exposed market position and a high market capitalization.


The targeted diversification according to sectors, regions and currencies as well as the technical analysis bring stability and reassurance to your investment.


During volatile phases, derivatives are used for additional protection and to optimize returns. The coverage rate can be up to 90%.

How to invest in the Plutos - ML Sector Select


  • PLUTOS - ML Sector Select was launched on December 15, 2023.
  • In Germany, PLUTOS-ML Sector Select is authorized for distribution to all investors.
  • Please request a presentation on the fund here.
Subscription / Purchase

You trade fund shares every trading day via your custodian bank.

  • In order to purchase the fund for investors in Germany, a securities account with a bank is required.
  • The fund can be purchased without or with advice.
  • In addition to the deposit number, please inform your bank of the ISIN LU2645730339 or the WKN A3EQCX and the number of pieces to be purchased.
  • The fund can be bought and sold on any banking day in Luxembourg except December 24th and 31st.
  • The initial issue price was €100 (plus issue surcharge, if applicable).
  • The fund can be purchased without an initial charge – e.g. via the Munich Stock Exchange. If this is not easily possible at your bank - an issue surcharge of up to 5% may apply - please contact us.
  • The fund can also be purchased through a savings plan. We will be happy to tell you about the banks you are interested in.
  • The issue and redemption prices and the legal sales documents are published on the website and
  • The fund is distributing. Any distributions will be automatically paid by the fund's custodian to your bank for the benefit of your securities account.
  • Any other notifications will be published in Germany in the Börsenzeitung.
  • The Management Company has put in place a complaint handling procedure, which is available at
  • The Fund is classified as an equity fund according to the InvStG. Private investors can receive a partial exemption from the German advance flat rate of 30%.
  • The fund has a sales and marketing fee of up to 1.15% p.a.
  • The fund has a management fee of up to 0.915% p.a.
  • These costs are already taken into account in the fund price.
  • The Bloomberg ticker symbol is: PMSCTEU LX.
Redemption / Sale
  • Redemption / sale is also possible through your bank.
  • Please place your sell order with number of shares or EURO equivalent.
  • Your bank will execute the order; the sale proceeds will be visible in your account within 2 banking days.

Current Press Releases

Citywire - "Frankfurter Vermögensverwalter ernennt Fondsmanager - Er wird einen jüngst aufgelegten Mischfonds managen."

(20. Dezember 2023)

Plutos, einer der aktuellen Top 50 Vermögensverwalter , hat sein Team mit Robert Blunck verstärkt.

Blunck kommt von der Martluther Investment aus Bergisch Gladbach, bei der er seit Januar 2019 als Geschäftsführer und Portfoliomanager tätig war. 2016 hatte er das Unternehmen Blunck & Fischer gegründet, das er bis 2018 leitete. Bei Plutos wird Blunck den jüngst aufgelegten ML Sector Select managen.

DFPA - " 'ML Sector Select' mit neuem Fondsmanager - Die Plutos Vermögensverwaltung hat die Fondsauflage des „ML Sector Select“ mit Robert Blunck als Fondsmanager bekannt gegeben."

(20.Dezember 2023)

Blunck sammelte umfassende Erfahrungen im Finanzsektor, bei denen er seine Fähigkeiten in der Analyse und im Management verschiedener Anlageklassen unter Beweis stellen konnte. So gründete er das Unternehmen Blunck & Fischer in Bergisch Gladbach und war danach vor seinem Eintritt bei der Plutos Vermögensverwaltung als Geschäftsführer Martluther Investment tätig. Der „ML Sector Select“ wurde am 15. Dezember 2023 lanciert. (DFPA/mb1)

Die Plutos Vermögensverwaltung AG mit Sitz in Frankfurt am Main beschäftigt rund  25 Mitarbeiter und verwaltet Vermögen von mehr als  550 Millionen Euro.